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Jeff様 27歳 男性

About Higuchi Dental clinic

I was introduced to the clinic in the early September of 2010. I made a reservation to be at the clinic by around 2pm on the 6th. But due to several uncertainties, I couldn't beat the time and was late for almost 2hours. Nevertheless, I was cared for like there was no offense. The kindness, the smiles and the time they offered me would never be found anywhere else. Before any treatment I took tests. Several tests. Then Doctor Higuchi KINDLY explained each and every situation in details. I was so thrilled by the affection. He seemed so concerned about my feelings of the results and my oral condition. I sensed he was so willing to help me out. I could feel like he was my dad. Am really so grateful.

Since I was so late that day, I couldn't get the thorough treatment. For the first day, I was diagnosed, briefed on the results and requested to make a reservation for treatment. On that day, in addition to the several medical recommendations, I received a number of free oral drugs and explanations on how to use them. I had never experienced this hospitality. A week later, I went for treatment. I was taught how to brush, took measurements of my missing tooth, and got a temporary tooth bridging. What surprised me most is that I never felt a single bit of pain during the treatment. In fact I was enjoying the whole treatment. Being worked upon by such skilled personnel was so relaxing. Thank you Dr.Higuchi. Thank you all the Higuchi clinic workers. May the almighty God Bless you.

小坂俊夫様 54歳 男性



茨木市 北川様 女性

今年(2008)3月 別の歯科医で治療を受けましたが、噛み合わせがどうも悪くて「もう一度噛み合わせをみてください」と2回申し出ましたが、「しばらくしたら慣れるでしょう」と言われ8月まで5ヶ月間辛抱していました。その間 頭痛・肩凝りがひどくなるばかりで、友人・知人に「歯医者さんどこに行ってる?」と聞いてまわっていました。


また 「なぜかみ合わせが悪いのか、痛みがとれないのか」治療を進めながら詳しく説明していただきました。また、以前の前歯の差し歯は出っ歯でかっこ悪かったのですが、自分の歯と間違えるぐらい自然に、きれいに、入れて頂き気兼ねなく大きな口で笑うことが出来るようになりました。

スタッフのみなさんにもやさしく接していただきありがとうございました。これからもお世話になりますが、よろしくお願いいたします。                            2008年12月4日


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